Registered data as in effect on the date of query (14.03.2025)

Type of the rights managament organisation: Collective management organization
Short name of the organisation: Repropress Egyesület
Full name of the organisation: Repropress Association for the Reprographic and Neighboring Right of Publishers
Name of the organisation in other languages: Repropress Association for the Reprographic and Neighboring Right of Publishers
In effect from: 2022-02-17
Short name of the organisation: Repropress
Full name of the organisation: Repropress Magyar Lapkiadók Reprográfiai Egyesülete
Name of the organisation in other languages: Society Repropress for the Reprographic Rights of Publishers
In effect from: 2008-03-12
In effect until: 2016-06-13
Short name of the organisation: Repropress Szövetség
Full name of the organisation: Repropress Magyar Lapkiadók Reprográfiai Szövetsége
Name of the organisation in other languages: Society Repropress for the Reprographic Rights of Publishers
In effect from: 2016-06-13
In effect until: 2022-02-16
Registration of the organisation: 2009-10-16
Cancellation date of the organisation from the register:
Data of representatives
Name of the representative: Hivatal Péter (elnök)
Address of the representative:
In effect from: 2011-03-22
Name of the representative: Havas Katalin (főtitkár)
Address of the representative:
In effect from:
Name of the representative: Süle László (elnök)
Address of the representative:
In effect from: 2008-03-12
In effect until: 2011-03-22
Headquarters of the organization: 1016 Budapest, Mészáros utca 15-17.
In effect from: 2018-05-30
Headquarters of the organization: 7627 Pécs, Engel János utca 8.
In effect from: 2009-10-16
In effect until: 2015-11-05
Headquarters of the organization: 1016 Budapest, Naphegy tér 8.
In effect from: 2015-11-06
In effect until: 2018-05-29
Postal address of the organisation: 1016 Budapest, Pálya utca 4-6.
In effect from: 2018-05-30
Postal address of the organisation: 1016 Budapest, Naphegy tér 8.
In effect from: 2009-10-16
In effect until: 2018-05-29
E-mail address of the organisation:
In effect from:
Webpage of the organisation:
In effect from:
Bank account nr(s) of the organisation
Name of the bank: CIB Bank Zrt.
Headquarters of the bank: 1027 Budapest, Medve utca 4-14.
Number of the bank account: 10700419-47731600-51100005
In effect from:
Membership of the organisation in other organisation(s) which are relevant in the field of collective rights management
Membership of the organisation in other organisation(s) which are relevant in the field of collective rights management : International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations (IFFRO)
In effect from:
Rules of association
Rules of association: Alapszabály
In effect from: 2014-10-07
Rules of association: Alapszabály
In effect from: 2010-09-15
In effect until: 2012-03-23
Rules of association: Alapszabály
In effect from: 2012-03-23
In effect until: 2013-05-09
Rules of association: Alapszabály
In effect from: 2013-05-09
In effect until: 2014-10-07
Rules of procedure
Rules of procedure: SZMSZ
In effect from: 2012-03-23
Rules of procedure: SZMSZ
In effect from: 2010-09-15
In effect until: 2012-03-23
Membership rules (in case it is not part of the Rules of constitution)
Membership rules (in case it is not part of the Rules of constitution): Tagsági szabályzat
In effect from: 2012-03-23
Rules of distribution
Rule of distribution: Napilap kiadók
In effect from: 2014-05-27
Rule of distribution: Folyóirat kiadók
In effect from: 2014-05-27
Rule of distribution: Folyóirat kiadók
In effect from: 2011-03-22
In effect until: 2012-03-23
Rule of distribution: Napilap kiadók
In effect from: 2011-03-22
In effect until: 2012-03-23
Rule of distribution: Folyóirat kiadók
In effect from: 2012-03-23
In effect until: 2014-05-26
Rule of distribution: Napilap kiadók
In effect from: 2012-03-23
In effect until: 2014-05-26
Annual reports
In effect from: 2016-05-05
In effect from: 2016-05-05
In effect from: 2016-05-05
In effect from: 2016-05-05
In effect from: 2012-04-17
In effect until: 2013-04-19
In effect from: 2013-04-19
In effect until: 2014-02-26
In effect from: 2014-02-26
In effect until: 2015-04-05
In effect from: 2014-02-26
In effect until: 2015-04-05
In effect from: 2015-04-05
In effect until: 2016-05-05
In effect from: 2015-04-05
In effect until: 2016-05-05
In effect from: 2015-04-05
In effect until: 2016-05-05