DIGIJUS Asset and Rights Management Ltd.

Registered data as in effect on the date of query (24.01.2025)

Type of the rights managament organisation: Independent management entity
Date of the ban from rights managament: 2022-04-05
Short name of the organisation: DIGIJUS Kft.
Full name of the organisation: DIGIJUS Asset and Rights Management Ltd.
In effect from: 2022-04-05
Registration of the organisation: 2022-04-05
Cancellation date of the organisation from the register:
Data of representatives
Name of the representative: György Péter Károly
Address of the representative:
In effect from: 2022-04-05
Headquarters of the organization: 1012 Budapest, Lovas út 17.
In effect from: 2022-04-05
Postal address of the organisation: 1012 Budapest, Lovas út 17.
In effect from: 2022-04-05
E-mail address of the organisation: info@digijus.net
In effect from: 2022-04-05
Webpage of the organisation: digijus.net
In effect from: 2022-04-12
Phone number of the organisation: +36 30 412 6424
In effect from:
Bank account nr(s) of the organisation
Name of the bank: Budapest Bank
Headquarters of the bank: 1138 Budapest, Váci út 193.
Number of the bank account: 10104105-77776300-01005003
In effect from: 2022-04-05
Rules of association
Rules of association: Társasági szerződés
In effect from: 2021-11-25
Rules of procedure
In effect from: 2022-02-01
Rules of distribution
Rule of distribution: Felosztási szabályzat
In effect from: 2022-02-01