Type of the rights managament organisation: Collective management organization
Short name of the organisation: RSZ
Full name of the organisation: Hungarian Alliance of Reprographic Rights - HARR
Name of the organisation in other languages: angol nyelven: Hungarian Alliance of Reprographic Rights - HARR
In effect from: 2001-02-25
Time machine
Short name of the organisation: MRSZ
Full name of the organisation: Magyar Reprográfiai Szövetség
Name of the organisation in other languages: angol nyelven: Hungarian Alliance of Reprographic Rights - HARR
In effect from: 2000-06-05
In effect until: 2001-02-06
Registration of the organisation: 2000-09-01
Cancellation date of the organisation from the register:
Data of representatives
Name of the representative: Vaskovics Péter (igazgató)
Address of the representative:
In effect from: 2001-02-06
Name of the representative: Szilágyi Ákos (elnök)
Address of the representative:
In effect from: 2016-09-12
Time machine
Name of the representative: Sumonyi Papp Zoltán (elnök)
Address of the representative:
In effect from: 2008-08-06
In effect until: 2016-09-11
Name of the representative: Miticzky Gábor (elnök)
Address of the representative:
In effect from: 2000-06-05
In effect until: 2008-06-02
Headquarters of the organization: 1012 Budapest, Pálya utca 4-6.
In effect from: 2004-02-24
Time machine
Headquarters of the organization: 1015 Budapest, Hattyú utca 8/b.
In effect from: 2001-02-06
In effect until: 2004-02-24
Headquarters of the organization: 1073 Budapest, Kertész utca 41.
In effect from: 2000-06-05
In effect until: 2001-02-06
E-mail address of the organisation: reprografia@reprografia.hu
In effect from:
Webpage of the organisation: http://www.reprografia.hu/
In effect from:
Phone number of the organisation: +36 1 214 7363
In effect from:
Bank account nr(s) of the organisation
Name of the bank: Országos Takarékpénztár Kereskedelmi Bank Nyrt.
Headquarters of the bank: 1051 Budapest, Nádor utca 16.
Number of the bank account: 11707024-20422000 főszámla
In effect from:
Membership of the organisation in other organisation(s) which are relevant in the field of collective rights management
Membership of the organisation in other organisation(s) which are relevant in the field of collective rights management : International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations (IFFRO)
In effect from:
Rules of association
Rules of association:

In effect from: 2016-09-12
Rules of procedure
Rules of procedure:

In effect from: 2022-04-26
Annual reports
Annual report:
2015. évi beszámoló

In effect from: 2016-04-27